How to get over a Fear of Driving
66% of people in the United States experience anxiety while driving, a survey shows us this huge percentage. For many, driving is a feeling of freedom and confidence. At the same time, some people face daunting and fear of driving. This writing will focus on “How to get over a Fear of Driving”. Also, we will discuss how to get over fear of driving on highway.

What is Driving Phobia?
Fear of driving or driving phobia is termed amaxophobia or vehophobia. People who have a phobia of highway driving identified their phobia as “freeway phobia”. This is one of the less talked about and more experienced issues. Different surveys show us a surprising number of people experiencing fear of driving.
This driving fear works as a form of anxiety when driving, parking, or in traffic. Other than that, one of the biggest driving phobias is driving on the highway. Some people even get nervous just thinking about driving. The majority of people face this anxiety.
Phases of Driving Anxiety or Fear of Driving
There are some phases or specifically, there are some types of phobia that exist. Not everyone experiences the same fear. Before seeking the answer to the question “How to get over the fear of driving”, we have to specify the fear. Some have a fear of parking, some have a fear of driving at night or alone, and some face anxiety while driving on new roads, fear of driving in bad weather, and fear of losing control.
New drivers with new licenses have a fear of traffic, parking space, and highway driving. Even experienced drivers may feel pressure. Driving is related to many complex things like- roads, people and cars of the roads, traffic, and many more. People face difficulties with- U-turns, lane changing, passing traffic, backing up or merging, and parking cars. Any wrong step has its consequences and those are really serious issues. Living damages, property damages, and financial issues are included in this driving.

Symptoms of Driving Phobia
Driving fear is a crucial matter to discuss as a large number of people experience driving anxiety. Women are experiencing more anxiety than men. Studies show us that 75% of women are experiencing this anxiety, whereas 55% of men are experiencing it. The symptoms of driving phobia-
- Panic attacks with breathing problems or high-rate palpitation
- Sweaty palms or excessive sweating
- Headache or dizziness
- Feeling nervous just thinking about driving a car
- Want to escape from the car
- Forget the direction or roads
- Shaking hands
Anyone experiencing these symptoms will now find the answer to “How to get over a fear of driving”.
Reason Behind the Fear of Driving
Seeking the solution of any problem, we first find the reason behind the problem. Same as that to know how to get over fear of driving, we should know the reason behind the fear or phobia. The reasons behind the fear of driving include- witnessing car accidents, previous tragic accidents, losing dearest ones, fear of fines, lack of confidence, has other history of phobia like- phobia of speed. Every 3 of 5 people have a traumatic driving experience in America.
How to Get Over the Fear of Driving:
- Take a driving training course and take professional learning, that will give you knowledge,
- In the beginning, take someone with you while driving,
- Focus, Keep practicing and have patience, take small steps one at a time,
- Make a calm environment for yourself while driving
- Talk about the problems with others, take suggestions from experts, and take action according to that,
- Do relaxation practice, exposure therapy, and cognitive behavioral therapy.

How to Get Over Fear Of Driving on Highway: Most Asked Question
How to get over fear of driving on Highway is the most common of all driving anxiety. One may feel pressure from the highway speeding, big cars, vast scenery, easy to distract the mind, long tiring journey. By following some steps one can get over the fear of driving on highways-
- Firstly, start small, gradual exposure to fear,
- Secondly, knowledge makes you confident, so take professional training and help from experts,
- Thirdly, make a calm environment in the car, and in the early stages keep one trusted and expert person with you,
- Fourthly and finally, keep practicing and have patience until you conquer your fear.
How to Get Over My Fear of Driving: My Journey
There are many suggestions by experts available on How to get over a fear of driving. One method doesn’t work for everyone. In my case what works for me may not work for others. I have a fear of driving on a road with a lot of vehicles. In other words, I fear the traffic on small and unknown roads. If anyone asks me How to get over your fear of driving or what I did to overcome this fear I can tell them some steps that I followed.
How to get over my fear of driving:
- Listing my Fears and identifying them broadly. What bothers me most about writing them for my journey,
- Changing my mindset towards Slow progress and working on one thing at a time,
- I took a trusted person with me while driving,
- Created a relaxed atmosphere in the car for me, usually playing my favorite music or song worked for me,
- Keep practicing and have patience,
- Appreciate me for my small progress.
Final Words
“How to get over a fear of driving”-in searching for the answer to this question, we have learned many things, a surprisingly large number of people are affected by this phobia. We must prioritize this issue to overcome our fear and be confident and fearless in our cars as driving is meant to set us free and give us joy.